About us
You eat organic. You meditate and exercise every day. You shun sugar, say no to salt, sleep
deeply and never have a cocktail or three with friends. Your skin is glowing; your sex life is
purring; your always feel young. Is this you? Oh, come on is it anyone? We all need a little
help sometimes.

Susie Rogers
Health and Wellness expert Susie Rogers has spent over 25 years helping people, look
better, feel better and smile more. As the previous owner of London’s top Pilates Studio
and Gym ‘BodyWorksWest’ and Medispa ‘ BeautyWorksWest’ she helped men and women
achieve the healthiest and strongest bodies of their lives.
Susie has co-authored ‘Your Hormone Doctor’ a menopause guide and book, published by
Penguin and has qualified as a Functional Nutritionist. Along with Doctor Daniel Sister she
produced and manufactured advanced scientific formulas in supplement form.
Deeply committed to instilling holistic and science backed wellness she has made health and
wellness her life’s work.

Having a keen understanding of peoples physical and emotional needs is the driving force of
WellnessWorksWest. a new premise in the lovely town of Bruton in Somerset where she
now lives.
‘It is our aim to provide the best curated Wellness Products, offer the expertise of the many
Health and Wellness Professionals in the area, hold events on both Physical and Mental
health and provide a community space in the heart of Somerset.’