Dr Annie Questions & Answers
Dr Annie cannot diagnose or prescribe.
Below you will find questions asked by you and Dr Annie's answers. If you have any thing you'd like to ask please address your questions to:
Is HRT Safe?
Hello Dr Annie I'm 51 and my periods have just about stopped. I'm a bit overweight and have been getting hot flushes, brain fog, and so stressed and moody. My...
Is HRT Safe?
Hello Dr Annie I'm 51 and my periods have just about stopped. I'm a bit overweight and have been getting hot flushes, brain fog, and so stressed and moody. My...
Eczema on my face, hands and body!
Hello Dr AnnieI have eczema on my face hands and sometimes on my body. I have tried steroid creams, which didn’t work. After going down the google route, which say...
Eczema on my face, hands and body!
Hello Dr AnnieI have eczema on my face hands and sometimes on my body. I have tried steroid creams, which didn’t work. After going down the google route, which say...
“The advice given on this website is of a general nature for informational and educational purposes only, and not a substitute for the professional diagnosis, management and
treatment by your Medical Practitioner. If you have concern about specific issues in your health these must be discussed with your Doctor. “
Dr. Annie Coxon, nor WellnessWorksWest Bruton Ltd. will not diagnose any conditions, nor prescribe any medicine, or be held responsible for any outcomes from the advice given.