The Treatment Room

We have put together a group of some of the best Wellness Therapists that Somerset has to offer. Put your bodies, faces, minds and spirit in good hands, with these talented and qualified specialists in their fields of expertise.

To book an appointment click on 'Read More' by therapist.

Physiotherapy & Pilates

Anna Train

Anna Train qualified from Brunel University London with a first-class -honours in Physiotherapy 20 years ago. She is now an experienced knowledgeable Chartered physiotherapist having worked in both the public and private sector.

Anna has worked at the highest clinical level as a clinical specialist for consultants in
orthopaedic spinal and shoulder clinics as well as a senior physio in a busy NHS
musculoskeletal outpatient department.

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Empowering Wellness for Life’s Journey you!

Bryony Brook

Bryony Brook boasts over three decades of knowledge and expertise, in both Eastern and Western therapy skills She is
famed for her 'magic hands' and therapeutic talent.

Training with the UK's leading expert in Facial Reflexology at Regents University, London Ziggie Bergman. Bryony's specialises in the "Zone Face Lift". Bryony's extensive training enables her to tailor her treatments intuitively to meet the specific needs of her clients.

Results are evident from the first treatment, glowing, lifted, contoured younger looking skin, bright eyes, reduced tension and stress, rebalance within, emotional and anxiety release, healing for the body and mind and an overall feeling of serenity and peace.

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Craniosacral Therapy

Belinda Roberts

Craniosacral Therapy Belinda Roberts RCST


Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, yet profound, hands-on healing modality that offers the mind, body and spirit the opportunity to release deeply held patterns of tension, pain and restriction – whether on a physical, emotional or mental level.  As a heart centred, holistic form of healing, it is suitable for anyone including newborn babies, pregnant women and the elderly. 

Conditions it can help alleviate the symptoms of include stress, anxiety, chronic illness, back pain, migraine, old and recent injuries, accidents, sleep disorders and digestive issues. Belinda has taken a post graduate course focusing on working with children and adults with ADHD and autism.

Belinda trained at the College of Craniosacral Therapy in London and is a registered practitioner and a member of the Craniosacral Therapy Association.

For further information and to make a booking:


+ 44 (0)7702 681264 Craniosacral Therapy

Bio-resonance therapy

Paul and Fiona Mattesini

Bio-resonance therapy

In the 1930s, scientists discovered that humans produce tens of thousands of electromagnetic frequencies and that everything (whether virus or bacteria…insomnia or depression) has its own
bandwidth, resonating at different wave lengths according to the state of our health. 

Bio-resonance not only measures these frequencies but identifies what’s out of sync. It then nudges these waves to stimulate the body to good health. We see all kinds of people and launched the business on the back of our own personal experience.  The website has a bit more
detail there.

It’s important to say that we don’t diagnose or ‘heal’ or treat
disease. We simply work on the in-balances that can cause dis-ease – giving you a snapshot of where your body is today, and any risks tomorrow – with a focus on keeping you strong at the deepest cellular level. The treatment is non-invasive, totally safe, and there are no side effects.

For more information and to make a booking, head to:

WhatsApp (or call) + 44 (0)7734 773 481

Paul runs a full-time clinic; Fiona maintains a smaller client


After a couple
of minutes calibrating you, the device deep-dives into your unique electrical footprint, uncovering a hyper-detailed matrix of information.  In parallel it's testing your reactions to various stimuli, detecting micro early changes
on a deep cellular level. In just 5 minutes, it will serve back a list of whatever’s causing stress (or 'dis-ease') in your body – selecting from a vast database.

Once we’ve established what’s going on, we can 'send back' the correct frequencies,
breaking any negative activity or deep-rooted patterns. Think of this as working in a similar way that an opera singer can break a glass by finding the
exact right frequency. Each person is different - and each person shows up differently (each time they visit) so no two experiences are ever the same.

Bio-resonance is actually not that dissimilar to homeopathy or acupuncture in that it works
from the premise that the body is a collection of inter connected energy fields
that are continually shifting and interacting with one another. So if you create a shift in one place, there’ll be a corresponding shift elsewhere.
 It can either enhance a specific frequency (a frequency it wants to elevate) or get rid of one by ‘inversing’ it (providing the exact opposite

We see all kinds of people with all kinds of issues from long COVID and Lyme disease through to trauma, insomnia, chronic pain and ADHD.  The device is the very latest
model  with the ability to track and measure around 9,000 frequencies, working at a speed of around 1/100th of a
second for each.  

  • Beyond Acupuncture

    Healing by Balancing the Body, Mind and Spirit. Lizzie Bingham is an Acupuncturist specialising in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element Acupuncture

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  • Viviane Maia BSc(Hons), Lic Ac, MBAcC

    Chinese Medicine & Five Element Accupuncture. With a background in Yoga and Mindfulness, Viviane has extensive experience teaching teens and adult patients in mental health hospitals across London. Her speciality is Fertility and Pregnancy.

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  • Paula's Therapies

    Paula Cuthbert is an established certified therapist with over 20 years of experience, providing Systematic Kinesiology, Reflexology, VHT, The Emotion & Body Code and Reiki.

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